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Events Marketing Strategy

July 2015


In July of 2015, the museum updated all of the marketing strategies, including the strategy on how to market events held or sponsored by the museum.


To start, I researched what other automotive museums were doing and reached out to their Executive Directors for advice. Then I evaluated which marketing tactics would best suit the Kansas City Automotive Museum based on that advice and research while taking into account that the museum's limited budget. After a week of researching and compiling data, I wrote a three part events marketing plan.


The 2015-2016 Events Marketing Plan includes marketing schedules and ideas for private/fundraising events, general events, and monthly events. Each section outlines which marketing ideas would be the most effective for that type of event, in addition to dates when the ideas should be implemented. 

Marketing Strategy in Action

The following marketing strategy is one I created after making the master 2015-2016 Events Marketing Strategy above. I took into account the goals of the event and followed the guidelines I layed out in the master strategy to make a separate strategy for a Poker Run that will be held this fall, complete with a timeline. 

Events Brochure 

I helped the Events and Operations Manager create a brochure filled with all of the pertinent and important information about renting our space. The goal is to give this brochure to every prospective renter of the rental space in the hope that if they have cohesive and complete information they will be more likely to use our space. My job was to write and organize all of the information, while the Events and Operations Manager handled the graphics. The museum needs to make sure a professional and exciting impression is made on those respected renters, therefore I wrote the brochure from that angle. 

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